of Experimental Botany, ASCR |
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H., Kruger M., Abeyawardana O.A.J.).
The Silene latifolia genome and its
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E., Nascimento-Oliveira J.I., Malar M.C., Kruger
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H.*, Kruger M. (2024):
Methods for assembling complex mitochondrial
genomes in land plants. Journal
of Experimental Botany 75: 5169-5174.
H.*, Kruger M., Small
I., Adamec L., Nevill P.G., Katharine A.
Howell K.A., Dixon K.W., Derbyshire M., Zhong
X., Adam T. Cross A.T.* (2024): Global
mitochondrial and chloroplast genome diversity
in the threatened aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda
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- 2023
Abeyawardana O.A.J., Moravec T., Kruger M., Belz C.,
Gutierrez-Larruscain D., Vondráková Z.,
Eliášová K., Storchova H.* (2023):
gene of Chenopodium triggers precocious
flowering in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Signaling and
Behavior 18: 2239420.
J., Walker C., Duffy K., Kruger C., Kruger M.,
Robinson C.H., Pittman J.K. (2023): Isolation
and identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
from an
abandoned uranium mine and their role in
soil-to-plant transfer of radionuclides and
metals. Science
of the Total Environment 876:162871.
D., Kruger M., Abeyawardana O.A.J., Belz C.,
Dobrev P.I. Vankova R., Eliasova K., Vondrakova
Z., Juricek M., Storchova H.* (2022):
The transcriptomic (RNA-Sequencing) datasets
collected in the course of floral induction in Chenopodium
ficifolium 459. Data
in Brief 43:
Gutierrez-Larruscain D., Kruger M.,
Abeyawardana O.A.J., Belz C., Dobrev P.I., Vankova R., Eliasova
K., Vondrakova Z., Juricek M., Storchova H.*
(2022): The high concentrations of
abscisic, jasmonic, and salicylic acids produced
under long days do not accelerate flowering in Chenopodium
ficifolium 459. Plant
Science 320:111279.
Abeyawardana O.A.J*,
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effect of trifluralin on post-in vitro
morphogenesis of five genotypes of head cabbage (Brassica
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of Horticultural Research 29:
D, Abeyawardana O.A.J., Kruger M., Belz C.,
Juricek M., Storchova H* (2021):
Transcriptomic study of the night break in Chenopodium
rubrum reveals possible upstream regulators
of the floral activator CrFTL1. Journal
of Plant Physiology 265: 153492.
Malar C.M., Kruger M., Kruger C, Wang Y.,
Stajich J.E., Keller J. et al. (2021) The
genome of Geosiphon pyriformis reveals
ancestral traits linked to the emergence of the
arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Current
Biology 31: 01.058.
Lopez-Gonzalez N., Bobo-Pinilla J., Gutierrez-Larruscain
D., Martinez-Ortega M.M., Rojas-Andres B.M.
(2021): Hybridization as a biodiversity
driver: The case of Veronica × gundisalvi.
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D., Sierra B.E.G., Khoshru B., De Los Santos
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(2021): Impacts of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
Fungi on Rice Growth, Development, and Stress
Management With a Particular Emphasis on
Strigolactone Effects on Root Development. Communications
in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 52:
Storchova H.
(2021): Flowering
in Chenopodium
and Related Amaranths. In: S.
(Ed) The Quinoa Genome.
Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-65237-1.
- 2020
Kruger M., Abeyawardana O.A.J., Kruger C., Juricek
M., Storchova H* (2020):
Differentially Expressed Genes Shared by Two
Distinct Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS)
Types of Silene
Suggest the Importance of Oxidative Stress in
Pollen Abortion. Cells 9: 2700.
Storchova H.
(2020): The
T-Like (FTL) Genes in the
Goosefoot Subfamily Chenopodioideae. In:
P.Pontarotti (Ed) Evolutionary Biology – A
Transdisciplinary Approach. Pp. 325-335. Springer, Heidelberg,
Dordrecht, London, New York. ISBN 978-3-030-57246-4
Krüger M., Abeyawardana O.A.J., Juricek M., Kruger C.,
Storchova H.* (2019): Variation in plastid genomes in the
gynodioecious species Silene
vulgaris. BMC Plant
Biology 19: 568.
Storchova H*.,
Hubackova H.,
Abeyawardana O.A.J., Walterova J.,
Vondrakova Z., Eliasova
B. (2019): Chenopodium
flowers under long days without upregulation
homologs. Planta 250: 2111-2125.
Olson M.S., Storchova
H., Houliston G., Armstrong J. (2019):
Maternal factors have stronger effect on family sex
ratio than nuclear factors in a trans-Atlantic cross
of Silene vulgaris. Plant
Ecology and Diversity 12:
H.*, Stone J.D., Sloan
D.B., Abeyawardana O.A.J., Muller
K., Walterova J., Pazoutova
M. (2018): Homologous
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Sirova D.*, Barta
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carnivorous plant. Microbiome
6: 225
Mandak B., Krak K.,
Vit P., Lomonosova M.N., Belyayev A., Habibi F.,
Wang L., Douda J., Storchova H. (2018):
Hybridization and polyploidization within the Chenopodium
album aggregate analysed by means of
cytological and molecular markers. Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution 129:
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H.* (2017): The Role of
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P., Stone J.D., Storchova H.* (2017): Evaluation
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Voriskova A.,
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Cajthaml T., Vosatka M., Janouskova M. (2017):
Real-time PCR quantification of
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: does the use of
nuclear or mitochondrial markers make a difference?
Mycorrhiza 27:
Janouskova M.,
Krak K., Vosatka M., Puschel D., Storchova
H. (2017): Inoculation effects on
root-colonizing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal
communities spread beyond directly inoculated
plants. PloS ONE
12: e0181525.
Stone J.D.,
Kolouskova P., Sloan D.B., Storchova
H.* (2017): Non-coding RNA may be
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J., Cerna L., Masterova H., Kolouskova P.,
Potocky M., Storchova H.* (2016):
The Evolution of the FT/TFL1 Genes in Amaranthaceae
and Their Expression Patterns in the Course of
Vegetative Growth and Flowering in Chenopodium
rubrum. G3-Genes,
Genomes, Genetics 6:
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Wu Z.Q., Stone
J.D., Storchova H.,
Sloan D.B. (2015): High transcript
abundance, RNA editing, and small RNAs originating
from intergenic regions in the massive mitochondrial
genome of the angiosperm Silene noctiflora.
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Barta J., Stone
J.D., Pech J., Sirova D., Adamec L.,
Campbell M.A., Storchova H.* (2015):
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sequence similarity with Utricularia gibba.
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H.*, Drabesova J., Chab D., Kolar J.,
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FLOWERING LOCUS T-LIKE (FTL) genes are useful
markers for tracking paternity in tetraploid Chenopodium
quinoa Willd. Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 62:
Stone J.D.,
Storchova H.* (2015):
The application of RNA-seq to the comprehensive
analysis of plant mitochondrial transcriptomes. Molecular Genetics and Genomics
290: 1-9.
Dobra J., Cerny M.,
Storchova H., Dobrev P., Skalak J.,
Jedelsky P.J., Luksanova H., Gaudinova A., Pesek B.,
Malbeck J., Vanek T., Brzobohaty B., Vankova R. (2015):
The impact of heat stress targeting on the hormonal
and transcriptomic response in Arabidopsis. Plant
Science 231: 52-61.
Lubovska J., Dobra
J., Storchova H., Wilhelmova N.,
Vankova R. (2014): Cytokinin
oxidase/dehydrogenase overexpression modifies
antioxidant defense against heat, drought and their
combination in Nicotiana tabacum plants. Journal of Plant Physiology
171: 1625-1633.
Sirova D.,
Santrucek J., Adamec L., Barta J., Borovec J., Pech
J., Owens S.M., Santruckova H., Schaufele R., Storchova
H., Vrba J. (2014):
Dinitrogen fixation associated with shoots of
aquatic carnivorous plants: is it ecologically
important? Annals of Botany
114: 125-133.
J., Chab D., Kolar J.,
Haskovcova K., Storchova
H. (2014): A dark-light
transition triggers expression of the floral
promoter CrFTL1 and downregulates CONSTANS-like
genes in a short-day plant Chenopodium rubrum.
Journal of Experimental
Botany 65: 2137-2146.
Janouskova M., Krak
K., Wagg C., Storchova H., Caklova
P., Vosatka M. (2013): Effects of
inocula additions in presence of a pre-established
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community. Applied
and Environmental Microbiology 79:
Mackova H.,
Hronkova, M., Dobra, J., Tureckova V., Novak O.,
Lubovska, Z., Motyka V., Haisel D., Hajek T., Prasil
I.T., Gaudinova A., Storchova H.,
Ge E., Werner T., Schmuelling T., Vankova R. (2013):
Enhanced drought and heat stress tolerance of
tobacco plants with ectopically enhanced cytokinin
oxidase/dehydrogenase gene expression. Journal
of Experimental Botany 64:
Muller K.,
Storchova H. (2013):
Transcription of atp1 is influenced by both genomic
configuration and nuclear background in the highly
rearranged mitochondrial genomes of Silene
vulgaris. Plant
Molecular Biology 81:
Sloan D.B.,
Muller K., McCauley D.E., Taylor D.R., Storchova
H. (2012): Intraspecific
variation in mitochondrial genome sequence,
structure, and gene content in Silene vulgaris,
an angiosperm with pervasive cytoplasmic male
sterility. New
Phytologist, 196:
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Landa P., Vankova
R., Andrlova J., Hodek J., Marsik P., Storchova
H., White J.C., Vanek T. (2012):
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H., Muller K., Lau S., Olson M.S. (2012):
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Vankova R.,
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J., Vankova
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273-289. Springer,
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H. (2011): Control of
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H.O., Muller K., Olson
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H., Olson M.S.(2007):
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